Mastering Intuition: When to Trust Your Inner Voice

How do we know when to trust that voice? How seriously do we weigh that internal tug against our own or others’ reasoning? What do I do with this gut feeling?

Enjoy Your Accomplishments.

Enjoying the view

In our fast-paced society, it’s pretty easy to get halfway up the mountain and not bother taking in the view. We are focused on our goal – the top. But you’ve worked pretty hard for the first half of this hike, why is it so hard for us to stop and enjoy the view?

Heather Powell Case Study

Freelance violinist Heather Powell recently moved to Los Angeles from San Francisco after working with the San Francisco Opera and San Francisco Ballet. Currently, her work includes playing with the Los Angeles Opera, ballet companies, and recording for soundtracks for motion pictures and T.V. shows. But even with a high degree of success, she still … Read more

When Nothing Goes How You Planned

Tell me if this sounds familiar. The new year is here and everywhere you turn you are bombarded with messages of reflection and gratitude. Your social media feed becomes a highlights reel of everyone else’s accomplishments, accolades, and achievements. And every sparkling photo and #blessed you see hits you hard like a knife to the … Read more